In Nakskov, you can also have a cozy
evening with friends in the city.


Club Zanzi

Drinks, disco and dancing at the city's nightclub Zanzi. The place where the city's youth go out on weekends. You'll find Zanzi at Vejlegadebro 15.

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Anne's Bodega

Anne's Bodega, located in the middle of the pedestrian zone where many young people also choose to go out. Here you'll occasionally find live music.


Café Cosmo

Super cozy café and music venue on Østre Boulevard where you can often experience live music and karaoke.


Sports bar

I kælderen på sydsiden af byens torv, finder du Sportsbaren, hvor der bliver vist mange forskellige sportsarrangementer på storskærm.


The brown taverns

Of course, Nakskov also has its share of taverns with a cozy atmosphere where you might strike up a conversation with a regular.